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Newspaper Ad Tracking is made easier and more powerful with Media Monitors. We capture and store print advertisements in the weekday, weekend and Sunday editions of major market newspapers as well as page number and relative size.

From our online search commands you can create reports containing advertisers’ print schedules and compare them to other media schedules on the same screen. This combined view gives you a larger picture of ad schedules than ever before. Examine a newspaper’s log of ads as printed, and view the actual creative.

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Why you will profit from this powerful Newspaper tool:

  • Generate instant sales lead reports
  • Create newspaper intelligence reports for advertisers and newspapers
  • Great for prospecting and verification
  • Make powerful decisions with current information


What our Newspaper service provides:

  • Convenient zoom in/out tool with which to view print ads in detail
  • Powerful online search tools for newspapers in your market
  • On-demand, comparative newspaper ad analysis capabilities
  • One-click data export to Microsoft Excel
  • Ability to generate reports whenever you want